India Final

Ok, some final, end-of-story, out-of-there kind of thing about India.


Beautiful, diverse, a lot to see … basically like other tourist places on earth, too. Face it, people don’t spend most of the money they make in a year to look at a parking lot with brick walls around. Still breathtaking.

Historic Stuff

Except for the Taj Mahal every thing looks pretty run down, is a building facility or nobody cares about. Still, lot to see. India has been invaded so many times by so many different people that you can see a shitload of stuff.
I loved it (but I’m a history freak, so I don’t count ๐Ÿ™ ).

New Stuff

Which new stuff? ๐Ÿ˜‰ … Serious, most of the country looks like stuck in the 60s or like Afghanistan before the war (as seen in documentaries). Still places like Delhi and especially Bombay look so modern, the contrast freaks you out.


Ok, I can say I met some very friendly and some very cool Indians. That said, I also met Indians that freaked me out. I mean, when somebody starts a conversations with “You are from Germany, that’s were Hitler is from, right?” or “You are German, that means you are better than others because you are Arien” you kind of stand there with your mouth open staring in the air like an idiot. I also don’t really get the nationalistic ads on TV. Example, Pepsi spot: A couple of young dynamic cool guys and girls bungee jump, hang out, dance, salute the Indian flag and wave to some army tanks. Drink Pepsi.
Apart from that and the annoyance level, Indians are cool.


I know now why so many people are calmer and relaxer after they have been to India. That has nothing to do with religion or meditation or crystals and this kind of stuff. Basically after being in India, the rest of the world cannot annoy you anymore.
I can now sleep on a metal bench in a park while it is raining, a guy with a jackhammer is working right next to me, I haven’t eaten in days and a midget is poking my arm.
India in a nutshell.

End Thoughts

Would I go back to India? For sure. Would I do the same trip again? Hell no. I was banging my head so often against the wall I might have suffered permanent damage. There are some really cool places in India. But also some of the worst I’ve seen.

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3 Responses to India Final

  1. sebastian says:

    > Face it, people don’t spend most of the money they make in a year to look at a parking lot with brick walls around.

    Well, it seems that a lot of people in some cities spend most of the money they make in a year to afford a small room in a basement flat with brick walls outside the window.

    Wie lรคuft eigentlich deine Wohnungssuche ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Fox says:

    From my perspective the brick wall outside of my window is way cooler than the brick wall outside of the other apartments I saw …

  3. fogel says:

    fuck I got !bird flu in Hamburg ๐Ÿ™

    just not to forget to mention it…

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